Computer Cuisine Deluxe's Print Menu:

Powerful recipe printing at your fingertips

  • Computer Cuisine Deluxe also makes printing your recipes a snap. The Print Menu allows you to choose the size and color of your recipes in one stroke. Computer Cuisine has five printing options to choose from. The standard, or large size recipe will use the full paper size of (8 1/2 "x 11") for printing, to ensure an adequate amount of printing space. The small recipe size will print recipes that once trimmed and folded lengthwise, can fit perfectly on a (3"x5") index card! Last, is the Deluxe Print option. This will print a recipe with a similar look and feel much like the on-screen version.



(A reduced screenshot showing Computer Cuisine Deluxe's Print Menu)



Print Menu Layout | Deluxe Print | Large Color | Large B&W
Small Color | Small B&W | Print Extras